Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Worship Starts At Home

I was inspired to write this blog today after spending some time worshiping the Lord with my kids in my living room. I was sitting in a chair and Bret, my 2 year old was sitting in my lap. And he takes my hand and draws it to his cheek. And he says, "I love you Mommy." And he smiles with that smile that melts my heart every stinking time. And I hear my Pappa whisper to my heart, "You melt my heart like that. You draw My hand to your cheek and you smile and say 'I love You' and you melt my heart. Just. Like. That."

Of course by this time tears are streaming down my face. I breathe in the peace of the moment and this is worship. And I started to think how often this happens. My kids and I daily spend time together just listening to worship music. And we dance. And we sing. LOUD. And we are wild and we laugh. Sometimes it's quiet and we smile at each other or we snuggle under a blanket and just hold each other close. And He fills our hearts and our home and I know He breathes in the moment too, just like us. So often He speaks to me during this time, or ministers to my weary, broken soul. My house is a mess, the dishes fill the sink, the laundry goes unwashed, but what else can I do? How can I not respond to the voice of my Lover calling me to dance with Him? Everything else does eventually get done...usually.

The point is worship shouldn't just happen Sunday mornings. And it doesn't have to look like it does for us. But I promise it changes you. Every time it changes you. I never walk away the same. And worship isn't always just loving Him. I find He is loving me more then anything else. And that is worship, because as I surrender my heart to His love He is glorified. How can we pour out to Him our love if we don't know what love is? How can we wash Him with our adoration if we've never experienced what it's like to be adored and cherished? How can we bless Him when we're empty? I was always taught that worship was loving on God. And it is. But worship is also being loved by God. If you're empty, or in lack in anyway go to Him. Don't walk. Run to His arms and be filled. Throw the checklist out. 100 thank you's and hallelujah's are not required.

Worship starts at home. Where you are. Right now. So breathe deeply and drink your fill of Him. Let Him melt your heart as you seek to touch His.

Here is a little of our spontaneous snack time worship...


  1. I really love your thoughts and words, sis.
    Love how He talks to you and how you respond. <3


  2. For some reason I'm just seeing this. Perhaps because I was still in Michigan when you wrote this and preparing for our return here but I have to say, "So many of your blogs cause me to stop and think." You are great with your expressions and how you paint the picture in the mind of your readers.

    .... Oh and also, LOVED the video! I mean, SERIOUSLY LOVED it!!!
