Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Acts 4:13

This verse has been blowing up in me the last few days. Education and training I have not but to be recognized as having spent time with Jesus because of the confidence, "freedom and boldness" I have...THIS! He's teaching me this: Don't wait to be used by God in your field until you feel equipped and ready. Just spend time with Him and the confidence that comes from knowing your destiny is secure spills out without trying.
Y'all my comfort zone is pretty large. Not much makes me feel uncomfortable. I get along with everyone and I'm naturally a pretty wild, adventurous person but lately He's been leading me to the brink and calling me past the point of no return even for me. Every time I feel unqualified or unworthy of the task He reminds me that He's equipped me and He's with me and all He's asking of me is to just be who's He's created me to be, confidently. To walk in that confidence that comes from knowing and trusting Him. To be known, not because of my education or talent or gift, but just because I know Him...that's it for me folks. 👌