But I'm nothing.
He whispered my name, "Dance with me."
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! (Is 43:1)

"You did not choose Me but I chose you..." (John 15:16)
He. Saw. Me. In the deep, dark pit that I was in. So deep and black no light from the opening penetrated my darkness. But darkness is nothing to Him so He saw me, filthy, weeping in fear and despair.
Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You. (Psalm 139:12)
He reached in and pulled me out. All on His own He did this. He did not wait for me to see Him, or reach out to Him. With a tender, loving hand, full of compassion, He gently wrapped His arms around me and brought me up.
"Dance with me." He said.
But I'm a mess.
And so He washed over me. Like a wave. And made me new. I sparkled in the light of His love.
"Dance with me."
But I'm not worthy.
And so He made me His. He gave me a new dress and called me His daughter. His princess.
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness (Is 61:10)
He cries. "Dance with me."
Yes, for His tears softened my heart and I could not resist Him. After all I was made for loving Him. He swept me up and away and we danced.
Psalm 119:72

now breathe your wisdom over me so I can understand you.
When they see me waiting, expecting your Word,
those who fear you will take heart and be glad.
I can see now, God, that your decisions are right;
your testing has taught me what's true and right.
Oh, love me—and right now!—hold me tight!
just the way you promised.
Now comfort me so I can live, really live;
your revelation is the tune I dance to.