I'll be honest. The last few days have been kind of blah. Can't explain it really. I had this
huge high last week after church and have just been slowly falling back down to earth ever since. What can I say? I'm a bit of a junkie when it comes to experiential encounters with the Father. I start to go threw withdrawals after a while. It's been super busy around here the last few days, which means I have not had my quiet time and I've had nothing interesting or inspirational to write about. My youngest turned one on Tuesday which was pretty rough for me. *sniff* My husband also had a birthday on Saturday. Saturday was actually crazy busy but super fun. I went to a lovely women's event at church then a day date with my hubby and ice cream with the family to celebrate. We weren't able to go to church on Sunday because Bret had a fever and since I had a ton of shopping I needed to do Lydia and I had a mommy/daughter shopping day. It was so fun and great to spend time with my sweet girl. But when I can't go to church I always feel a little dry the next week. I really look forward to corporate worship and fellowship and a stinking awesome message from one of the pastors. So since I did not go, yeah, well blah. Does anyone else feel this way? I thought I'd share how I get through these blah days. I recently learned a bit of terminology that can help explain. I just ask the Father for my daily bread. I don't expect crumbs but a basketful. I trust in His provision. I think it's really important not to allow yourself to stay in the "blah" zone for too long. We all have our ups and downs but we have so much to be thankful for and that alone should lift our spirits. Forget all the obvious stuff like the air we breath and water and food. He's given us life. He's given us His Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. All those things are inside me and I have the ability to walk in them everyday. Thinking of what Jesus did to be able to give us those things will pull you out of any spiritual funk you may be in whether it's been a day or a year. We can choose to walk in His light and joy.
Even though I had an awesome week and weekend with my family, and I love them, and enjoy spending time with them. I love my Father more and I miss Him when I am unable to connect. He misses me too. How cool is that? God, creator of the universe, misses you when you don't get around to meeting with Him. Hah! How crazy is that? That's like keeping President Obama on hold while you go about doing the laundry, loading the dishwasher, watch your favorite TV show...it's like hello? We have the ear of the Father! You don't put the King of kings on hold so you can read a magazine or go get groceries. Fortunately for us He's not annoyed or irritated when we finally get around to making time for Him. He's there with open arms and whispers of love. He draws us to Himself, pulling on the little string that attaches our heart to His.
If you're feeling blah, make some time for Him. Whatever that looks like for you. 5 minutes, an hour, praying, reading the Word, sitting quietly, listening to His voice. Maybe this happens while you load the dishwasher or make lunch. That's ok. We just can't expect anything less then blah when He's not in our life.
I read the following scripture. I know it might not have a lot to do with this post but it was beautiful and was my "bread" today.
Zephaniah 3 MSG (actually the whole chapter is pretty awesome)
16-17Jerusalem will be told:
"Don't be afraid.
Dear Zion,
don't despair.
Your God is present among you,
a strong Warrior there to save you.
Happy to have you back, he'll calm you with his love
and delight you with his songs.
18-20"The accumulated sorrows of your exile
will dissipate.
I, your God, will get rid of them for you.
You've carried those burdens long enough.
At the same time, I'll get rid of all those
who've made your life miserable.
I'll heal the maimed;
I'll bring home the homeless.
In the very countries where they were hated
they will be venerated.
On Judgment Day
I'll bring you back home—a great family gathering!
You'll be famous and honored
all over the world.
You'll see it with your own eyes—
all those painful partings turned into reunions!"
God's Promise.